Authorized and appointed by the Cloverland Town Board, the Plan Commission is made up of interested volunteers who are dedicated to managing the Town of Cloverland Land Use Plan in accordance with state laws and the wishes of the residents of the Town.
The Cloverland Town Board also gives the Plan Commission additional work to do such as ordinance review and construction from time to time. Once we have completed our initial work on these items, we report our findings directly to the Town Board and offer our suggestions for changes if necessary based upon our research. We then take directives from the Town Board concerning the action we are requested to take including holding public hearings.
Our Land Use and Recreation Plans
Commonly known as Smart Growth, the Town of Cloverland has developed a Land Use Plan that will be used to guide land use decisions in the future. While in the past, our Town was developed without this valuable document, the Town Board realized there may be conflicting land uses within the boundaries. To minimize these conflicts, a group of volunteers developed the first Plan in 2000. The Plan Commission is required to review this document every 5 years and in 2010, we undertook a major revision that included currently used land use classifications instead of the ones from the previous plan that had no zoning counterparts.